Checking a car by VIN code and state number will help you find out the complete history of the car. To receive the report, enter the VIN (it can be viewed in the STS, PTS or on the engine of the car) or license plate.Mileage history. Check if the mileage is twisted on the vehicle. Information about the mileage on the graph. Compare odometer reading with real readings.Owners. Find out the basics, the number of owners and the periods of ownership of the vehicle.Participation in an accident. Obtain road traffic accidents with the specified identification number, body number or chassis number. Lets show the damage in the event of an accident.Wanted check. Lets check if the car is on the federal wanted list. The car may have been stolen or left the scene of the accident. Violations of the import of a vehicle at customs, non-payment of traffic fines, violations of financial obligations, if the car is a collateral - all these are grounds for declaring a car on the wanted list.Legal purity. When buying a car on the secondary market (used), it is important to make sure that it is legal for successful registration by the new owner. Check the vehicle upon purchase.Restrictions. Data on the presence of restrictions on registration actions in the State Traffic Inspectorate (GIBDD). If the TCP is pledged to the bank or the owner does not pay traffic fines, restrictions will be imposed on the car. A restricted vehicle cannot be reissued.Entity. Check if the vehicle was in use by a legal entity. This may mean that the car was in a car sharing or taxi.CTP policy online. Find out in which company the OSAGO policy is issued, the owner, the insured of the vehicle, KBM under the contract, the make and model of the car, in which region the vehicle is used, the series and number of the policy.Get official information from different sources in one place: traffic police database, Federal Notary Chamber, EAISTO, FTS, RSA.You can punch a car by VIN or state number.